I was always mad about horses as a small girl, I had my first riding experience when I was 12. I’ve learned different disciplines down the years including dressage, with a carriage, riding side-saddle and natural and Parelli horsemanship. Horse contact has also always been part of the mix. Through the children, I was also put in contact with giving lessons to mainly children and later also adults. One of my hobbyhorses when giving lessons is the impact that emotions have on your horse or pony. I also find sitting correctly on a horse or pony very important.
De fokkerij, de lessen & kampjes en coachings worden gegeven in de Moorstraat in Landegem. In een mooie landelijke omgeving met stallen en buitenpiste kunnen alle activiteiten doorgaan. De paarden genieten in kuddes en grasweides van zo’n 2 ha, die ook voorzien in ons eigen hooi voor de winter.
Wie ons op deze mooie locatie wil bezoeken en zelf de rust en kalmte van de omgeving en onze Curly-kudde is meer dan welkom.
Our Curly horses can always be tested to determine the allergy level that they cause. A Curly horse or pony can always be purchased and certainly when the right match is found in relation to allergy and nature.